Greetings! My name is Aaron. I'm 21 and I'm an aviation student currently in college to become a commercial pilot! Being a pilot demands a strict healthy lifestyle; which is why I began looking into ways to have an overall healthier life. I grew up in upstate New York with a mother who was exceedingly passionate about good health (which, I can say as a kid didn't really appreciate. I wanted sweets!). I actually remember my  mother saying to me, "Aaron, one day you'll thank me..one day." I hate to say it but, now that I look back on it she was right. I'm not saying I was the healthiest kid through my years, but I will continually thank her for giving me that very important foundation in my life. So now I was off to aviation school, and I needed a change. Mentally, physically, emotionally. When I started researching natural medicine and diet I became so excited I wanted other people to know what I knew! That is why I created this website. But with a twist: I figured alot of times it's hard to take one persons word for it; especially when they are trying to reach out to you through words on a computer screen! So I thought creating a community where people could simply come and give eachother encouragement and great information from a been-there-done-that perspective would be better than me trying to tell you everything. Best part about it you don't have to join or give away information and go through the hassle of becoming a member. I hope you get alot out of this website, and I hope you get involved in the community..Cheers! To a new YOU!

